Central West Phoenix Dems

From Van Buren to Peoria & 19th Ave to 43rd/51st/59th Aves we’ve been building unstoppable momentum that is quickly transforming the political landscape in Arizona and here in our district, we have the potential to produce the highest increase in registered voters AND overall voter turnout.   

Meet your neighbors and see some friendly faces at our
monthly meeting.

We meet on the 2nd Monday of every month from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm.

Watch "
I am an Arizona Democrat!" to be inspired.

AZ LD26 Bylaws adopted 5-25-23

Two women signing petitions.

Our Vision

Our district has the lowest median income of any district in the entire state and some of the largest disparities in healthcare, housing, education and economic security in the entire nation.

Our vision is to continue to address these barriers and strengthen our systems and policies so that all of the members in our community have access to the education, healthcare, and the economic security they need to flourish.

                                                                                                    Our Mission

                           Elect Democratic Party candidates to positions in local, state, and national government.

                                  Keep the voters of our district informed about issues that affect our community.

                              Encourage participation by promoting voter registration and vote by mail enrollment.

                    Support elected officials who share the Democratic Party’s values and vision for a better Arizona.

                                                                                               AZLD26 Bylaws

Our Board

Our Platform

•Support fully funded equitable public education
• Support DACA and all DACA students
•Advocate for increased public education funding   
• Support universal free meals program
• Support English Language Learning for all and ESL for adults
• Support universal, equitable, free public education from Pre-K to PhD, Community College, Certified Apprenticeship, and Skilled Trade Training for everyone  
• Ensure schools have adequate supplies, infrastructure, technology, and other resources    
• Advocate for comprehensive sex education

•Establish healthcare as a basic human right

•Work to end poverty

Show Full Platform


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