A PC is a neighborhood representative of the Democratic Party. The heart and soul, eyes and ears of the party at the grassroots level.
Advantages of Being a PC
Have access to more information about issues and policy than is found in mainstream media.
Gain insight into what is really going on inside the Party and the government.
Get to know your elected officials and candidates on a personal basis and give them feedback.
Make your voice heard more effectively than just being a registered voter.
Participate in the decision-making process in the Party.
Vote for the leadership of the Party at all levels: precinct, LD, county, state, and national.
Belong to a social network at precinct, LD, county, and state levels with people who share your values and beliefs.
Meet new, like-minded friends in your neighborhood and become an active, integral part of it.
Gain experience to prepare you for greater responsibility within the Party in the future.
Become an elected official!
As a future candidate for elected office, gain visibility and network with current elected officials.
Opportunities to be appointed to local, county, or state Boards and Commissions.
Knowledge about the mechanics of a campaign and the election process.
Support from the Democratic Party to run for office in the future.
Duties and Responsibilities
Stay informed about local/national issues and candidates
Be an advocate for voter registration and voting rights.
Build relationships with Democrats in your precinct
Attend training sessions to improve skills and effectiveness as a PC.
Educate voters in your precinct about the Democratic Party, its nominees, and issues
Help make sure your neighbors are registered and will vote.
Attend legislative district monthly meetings
Attend MCDP & ADP Meetings
Requirements to become a Democratic PC Must reside in the Legislative District where you are applying Must be a registered voter in Maricopa County Political Party Designation must be “Democrat”
Ready to become a PC of LD 26 Central West Phoenix Democrats? Please complete the application form